Let’s start with the sleeping. “The Art of….” implies that there might be a unique way of doing something that most people don’t think about , it also implies that there is a set of techniques or standards for that particular activity. One example would be Ikebana, the Japanese Art of flower arranging. Not many people would assume there was such a thing; however in Japan, people have been learning and practicing this art form for centuries. There are different styles of Ikebana that have developed over time and books have been written about the evolution of these forms. It is fascinating that people could make an entire art form out of something in nature that was already so beautiful and seemingly perfect. After learning about Ikebana I could not look at flowers in vase the same way again. In fact, it bothers me now when there has been no thought to the arrangement of flowers in a vase.
An artist does something that is unique, that is remarkable or dynamic and reflects their particular point of view. In my opinion it also requires a little skill or knowledge of the craft or some curiosity about its history. Everyone sleeps differently and approaches sleep differently. To some it comes easily and without too much thought or preparation, obedient and dependable. To others, it is sacred and precious. We chase it, it is elusive and we never get enough of it. For most, sleep comes at the end of their day. We wake up on the other side of that day to a new day. For me, preparation for sleep (or the closing of one day in my life) is always full of reflection. Often times my brain is so active I have terrible bouts of insomnia. And when I don’t have insomnia, sleep is still incredibly difficult to just fall into. Someday I hope to master the art of sleep. It is beautiful and essential to existence, there must be an art to it.
I will explore not just sleep but all the things that contribute to departing my day with peace.
I cannot go to bed hungry. Ever. So food will be a big topic. Cooking an artful meal makes me feel accomplished and proud. Savoring and sharing your creativity with others feels like love.
Creativity keeps me awake at night. Reading an amazing novel, contemplating how the actors in a film made their choices or pondering how some article I read in the The New Yorker would make a great play. I often dream about the characters in the show I am currently obsessed with, their voices narrate my life in my subconscious. I stay awake at night reminding myself I am not doing enough as an artist. I am not productive enough, not dedicated enough.
“ I need to go to the museum tomorrow or… Friday, I haven’t been in so long … I need inspiration and education. How can I call myself an artist?! I need to go to bed so I can wake up early and be prolific, like Spike Lee or Woody Allen. I love “Annie Hall”. I wonder if it’s on Netflicks….”
(cut to 3:30 AM – Kira on the couch watching “Annie Hall” eating cheese. Wide awake.)
The big questions keep me awake as well. What’s the point of making art? Who is it for? Why bother? Why do I exist? How should I exist? Tomorrow is a new day, how will I approach it?
These things enter in my consciousness before I sleep and sometimes ideas unfold in my dreams. The Art of Sleeping, Eating and Making Stuff is my attempt to share them with you. Perhaps I will understand them better, share better, create better and sleep better.
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